ASTRI (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia replicante Italiana) – a Small Size Telescope (prototype & array)
INAF per l’astronomia gamma con telescopi a due specchi aplanatici tra 1 e 100 TeV
Last night the fire in the Island reached the Observatory. As we hear from the Director of IAC, Rafael Rebolo, the situation is not as dire as could have been without measures, but still not completely under control. Dear CCI members and User Institutions We have managed to prevent damage to the OT facilities by […]
The ASTRI Team is made up of staff from various INAF Institutes and Italian Universities. The University of São Paulo in Brazil/FAPESP and the North West University of South Africa are also formally part of it. The ASTRI Project Office is at INAF – OAB Brera and the prototype telescope is installed at the INAF – OACT observatory in Serra La Nave.
ASTRI was born as a MIUR flagship project aimed at developing the next generation of IACT telescopes (Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Imaging) for astronomy in gamma rays from the ground. ASTRI is the first telescope for Cherenkov astronomy that has adopted the optical configuration of the Schwarzschild-Couder type.
Gamma-ray astronomy allows the in-depth study of the violent Universe, from supernova explosions to Active Galactic Nuclei through dark matter.