ASTRI & Coronavirus
March 2020 – Dear all,
In these diffcult times, laden with uncertainties, we can find a new meaning to solidarity and togetherness, a better consciouness of our scientific and professional abilities. At all levels, culture and research bring us closer.
In a very short time span schools and universities have learned how to cope with the new situation, and online lesson are given thanks to dedition of both teachers and pupils, everyone from her/his own house. In INAF, we keep working on the usual projects, adapting to the new situation.
Job as usual also for ASTRI, in which many people are involved, from INAF institutes to Universities and other structurs from Lombardy to Sicily: through teleconferences, single people working at home, exchange of messages and so on.
The image you can see on the right was prepared together with Anna Wolter, Giuseppe Fiasconaro e Federico Di Giacomo to demostrate what we feel now also within the ASTRI project. You can share the image through your social contacts, or any other means.
Following our President Conte messages, let’s keep a physical distance today, so that, when the difficulties are overcome, we will be together in an ASTRI reunion and then with the mini-array.
So long,
Giovanni Pareschi – [Trad. A. Wolter]
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